
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bent Minds Fixation on Corruption

By now several people have seen and clicked the "Tweets" of The Casino Gaming Oracle, others have seen the same and wondered, why is this guy attacking our honorable courts and judges?  They (these so-called-honorable) judges are only human folks and fall prey to greed and corruption as well.  Here are a few supporting facts.

On Monday, Feb. 13, 2012, posted an article titled "Texas Federal Judge W. Royal Furgeson, Jr. charged with Corruption in Looting Over $4 Million." Let me be honest with you, as most of those that have followed this blog know, I am sharing the same type of information, and one would think that I would welcome the news that there are other corrupt judges out there.
 Read that again folks, "Welcome the news that there are other corrupt judges out there."  In any society that should not be welcomed news. What saddened me most was the appearance of the same "Judicial Stealthy Hubristic Injustice Tactics" (JSHIT), that I am trying to make known.  This is evident when the above article reports that: "The judges did this, as explained further in this letter, through numerous ex parte meetings, ignoring the law, fabricating events, concealing evidence from the public, ignoring due process, predetermining outcomes, and perjuring statements."

The above points out the major frustration of those like myself and the reporter above, because (JSHIT) is designed to be undetectable to the untrained, and think about it, as you read the above, I'll bet the first thing you said to yourself was: "what proofs does this guy have of ex parte meetings."  That's where you have to slow down and read the facts, because these judges have become so bold that they tell on themselves.

If you were able to ask anyone that knows me, they would tell you that I am always using myself as an example, hence from my own case and previous post, here is support of:

 Now you are armed with the facts,  you should begin to see that I am not the only one to say that your Federal Court Judges should be given a second look as they are going rogue.  You now have others that are publishing their beliefs that they, or those they know of, are being subjected to denial of their Civil and Constitutional Rights. 

Another article was posted titled: "Federal Judge Clarence Coopercharged with Corruption in the case of Scott Hintz -- Scott sent to Prison," but what should be most troubling to you is that now, as I have been doing, these postings are being supported by documentary proofs.  These same proofs are being ignored by those sworn to report such treason.  Folks, plain and simple, that's the good ole boy's and girl's at their self-protecting best. The question is will you stand for  it or continue to ignore it as long as you're not affected personally?
 Please this is a matter of "Public Concern" and you have to act, first by voicing your comments below.  This does not require you to identify yourself, but it shows that a concerned, breathing, and moral person has read the information and was moved to comment.

Don't forget there are only 6 days remaining until Judge Noel L. Hillman will show his conformity to the subject matter of this post. I thank you for following the "Count Down," and pray that you continue to tell a friend or two.

The Casino Gaming Oracle!

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