
Friday, January 20, 2012

Hickson vs. Hillman's & Williams' (JSHIT)

My loyal viewers may have thought that I have given up or maybe I got hit by that bus my adversaries Harrah's Hotel and Casino are praying for.  NOT!   I'm still here, and my friends know how I do.  Hickson v Hillman & Williams (JSHIT), wrote a motion bout it, wanna hear how it go?

Yes I did fall off for about a week or so, due to the drafting of Hickson v Hillman & Williams (JSHIT).  So what I'm I doing now you might be asking yourselves?  Did I sue Judge Hillman?  Did I sue Judge Williams?  No...No… come on, you know that judges are able to hide behind absolute immunity.

The time for U.S.D.J Noel L. Hillman and U.S.M.J. Karen M. Williams to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, is well overdue.  They know the whole truth but what has happened is their "Honorability" is on the line, so they are attempting to stick with the story they put out there to the public.  Just as Harrah's Hotel and Casino is wondering what the hell is happening, and why haven't I been hit by a bus or made to go away some how, these two judges are saying "what the hell" also.
Well like I told you before, I'm looking both ways before I cross the street, and I'm crossing at the green and not in between.  So what do I mean by Hickson v Hillman & Williams (JSHIT)?   Well we already defined (JSHIT) as Judicial Stealthy Hubristic Injustice Tactics and now we need these two judges to answer for their participation right.

 Again, if a judge has absolute immunity and you can't sue their asses how do you make the truth known?  You ask them.  I wasn't really that busy with the motion. What happened was, I was torn between this blog and thoughts of writing a best seller that I would title "How to ask a judge to tell the truth for dummies."  Not!  I was just [FN] with you. :)

 On Jan. 18, 2012, I did file a "28 USCS § 1746 Declaration of Bias or Prejudice and Motion for Recusal of U.S.D.J. Noel L. Hillman and U.S.M.J. Karen M. Williams" at the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, in Camden, NJ.  (What is § 28 USCS § 1746)  Again, my viewers know how I do, I don't make allegations without proofs.  Please take a look at the "1/18/2012 Cover Letter to Clerk of Court" as to the filing of this motion.

After you view this cover letter you will want to make sure that you set aside time to come back to this blog ,as I will be sharing some heavy (JSHIT).  I got documents and the whole nine, so get ready, tell some friends, and plan a "water cooler recusal gathering."   (Say that 3X fast, betcha can't)  All you lawyers and law students out there get those alias' down pat, cause your going to be shocked to a point where you must comment. PROMISE!

Back on Point and ready to punch the clock, burn the midnight oil and most of all make some injustice known.  The Casino Gaming Oracle! Holla!

P.S.  Now you and the friends can also join my "Pro Se HQ Group" at, or click "Yahoo Groups join Now" on left.

Black History Month 2012 reigns in and all still do not have equal protection of the laws and meaningful access to the Courts of these United States of America.

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