
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Corruption Confuses Counting

Christopher C. Mauro's haste into his corrupt undertaking causes miscounting, which reveals the cohorts misconduct.  Within his Brief in Support of Vance Thompson, Anna Haag, and Marina Associates Motion forSummary Judgment, under the heading "Procedural History", on page 2 of 15, Christopher Mauro says: "Subsequently, on February 2, 2009 plaintiff amended his complaint to add as individual defendants Security Shift Manager Alexander Lovas, Security Officer Vance Thompson, SurveilVance Officer Anna Haag-Greene, Josh Lecthblau, Mark Kosko, and George Morton Esq.  (Plaintiffs Amended complaint annexed hereto as Exhibit "E")."

Now, before you start saying, "this guy claims some fine member of the bar can't count, when he can't even illustrate." Houston!  We seem to have technical difficulties in the illustration department... Please stand by...
Thank you Houston, ok where was I?  The record within the U.S. Dist. Court for the District of New Jersey in Camden, does not even support these lies.  On page 8 of the copy of the courts docket sheet as of 8/31/11 you will see that docket item 13, evidences the filing on 2/2/2009 of: "SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT against SECURITY OFFICER THOMPSON, SURVEILLANCE OFFICER ANN, JOSH LECHTBLAU, HARRAH'S HOTEL AND CASINO, ALEXANDER, JOHN DOE, JANE DOE, STATE OF NJ DIVISION OF GAMING ENFORCEMENT, M. KOSKO, GEORGE MORTON, ESQ, filed by EARL D. HICKSON.(nf, ) (Entered: 02/03/2009)." (See DKT. SHEET 8/31/11, scroll to page 8, see item [13])

Christopher C. Mauro makes a knowing misrepresentation to the court.   Leaving out and or just designating that his purported clients answered an amended complaint as opposed to "Second Amended Complaint" is a bold faced lie.  Doesn't Dkt. Item [4] on page 7  of the 8/31/11 copy of the docket sheet say: "AMENDED COMPLAINT against HARRAH'S HOTEL AND CASINO, ALEXANDER, JOHN DOE, JANE DOE, STATE OF NJ DIVISION OF GAMING ENFORCEMENT, M. KOSKO, GEORGE MORTON, ESQ, filed by EARL D. HICKSON.(tp ) (Entered: 09/17/2008)."  Does this not evidence that I filed the first amendment to the complaint on 9/12/2008?

Christopher C. Mauro, of the law firm of Camacho Mauro and Mulholland, further states on page 2 of 15 of his Brief in Support of Vance Thompson, Anna Haag, and Marina Associates Motion, that: "Marina Associates interposed an answer to the amended complaint for Security Officer Vance Thompson and Harrah's Hotel on June 4, 2009.  (Vance Thompson and Marina Associates answers to plaintiffs amended complaint annexed hereto as Exhibit "F").

The record within the U.S. Dist. Court for the District of New Jersey in Camden, tries to  support these lies.  If one can sort through the subterfuge of entries designed to appear "just", when in fact they are the offerings of a co-conspirator within the Clerks Office, one will note docket item [26].   Anyone with experience in dealing with the "Clerk of Court" knows that when a clerk makes an entry onto the docket he or she enters his or her initials to identify the docket items clerk "poster" so to speak.  Doesn't docket item [26] reveal that a phantom clerk, on 6/05/2009 entered: " ANSWER to Amended Complaint, CROSSCLAIM against M. KOSKO, JOSH LECHTBLAU, GEORGE MORTON, ESQ by HARRAH'S HOTEL AND CASINO, SECURITY OFFICER THOMPSON.(MAURO, CHRISTOPHER) (Entered: 06/05/2009)."  (See DKT. SHEET 8/31/11, scroll to page 10, see item [26])

Before I get longwinded again, please stay with me for the sum total of Mauro's count.   Before I do that, I'll let you in on the major lie that these bandits attempt to conceal.  Are you sitting down?   Did Christopher C. Mauro of the law firm of Camacho Mauro and Mulholland, not say that on June 4, 2009, answers were filed for Security Officer Vance Thompson and Harrah's Hotel?   Go back double check page 2 of 15 of his Brief in Support of Vance Thompson, Anna Haag, and Marina Associates Motion for Summary, I'm not going anywhere, I'll wait…

Now look at the paragraph proceeding the one above, doesn’t it say that the phantom clerk filed "Answers to Amended Complaint?"  This is where I want to start cursing and acting niggardly, like my judicial counterparts.  Why?  I have in my possession an [FN] "Answer to Second Amended Complaint" from Christopher C. Mauro, of the law firm of Camacho Mauro and Mulholland, in which lying-ass Mr. Mauro signs on behalf of "Christopher C. Mauro, Esq. (CCM-7660), Vance Armstrong, Marina Associates d/b/a Harrah's Casino Hotel Atlantic City."  The handwriting that you will see on the copy is mine, you will also note the hole to the left, as this is an accurate and true copy from my loose-leaf binder files.  However, note the dates on the second and third pages. Note what Gloria Zapata swears to, that she served "Answer to Second Amended Complaint." I guess the [FN] clerk smokes the same shit as the rest of them, but please don't let them blow that smoke in your eyes, cause I got my butt cheeks tight, and I'm not taking smoke up my rear-end.  (See 3 page photo of Ans. To Second Amended Complaint)

Lastly, good ole boy, Christopher C. Mauro says: "Thereafter, plaintiff amended his complaint twice more and an amended answer was interposed on behalf of Vance Thompson, Anna Haag and Marina Associates on February 2, 2010." You see I told you the bog can't count. If you answer a "Second Amended Complaint" and you claim that the plaintiff makes two more amendments, well the last time I checked the book on "Amended Complaint Counting for Dummies" says: Second Amended Complaint + Two More= Fourth Amended Complaint as the one at issue. Not!  This pro se litigant at the penalty of perjury and to the world says that: I Earl Hickson, have not, nor do I see the need to file a "Fourth Amendment" to civil action 08-cv-02407 (NLH-KMW). Oh, if you missed it above, who the F#%k is Vance Armstrong?  Judge Noel L. Hillman knows this to be a lie, but that’s the network for you.

Houston! Houston! They have a problem, Please stay tuned...TheCasinoGamingOracle!

P.S.  Now you and the friends can also join my "Pro Se HQ Group" at, or click "Yahoo Groups join Now" on left.

Black History Month 2012 reigns in and all still do not have equal protection of the laws and meaningful access to the Courts of these United States of America.

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